Let's Cook/Think Together

Food Preparation is a Vehicle for Reflection

Transform is an interactive ideation method developed by Mycelium that can be implemented in any situation where innovative solutions, problem-solving, or fresh ideas are needed. Its main objective is to help participants become fully present and, thus, access their entire thinking and creative potential.

It puts a twist on the social acts of idea-sharing and discussion by immersing participants in food preparation processes that occupy hands and clear minds. The collective action of making food together is a potent bonding activity that exposes participants to the elements they are thinking about, can inspire creativity and invite new perspectives and feelings.

Video credits: Bernat Alberdi & Video Illustrations by Perlita Calvario

Our Awards

By individually participating in a collective effort, we set the stage for meaningful dialogues, togetherness, and collaborative insights.

The End Result of a Transform Session:


New perspectives and angles


Stronger bonds

Newfound Inspiration

Increased tolerance toward different perspectives

How It Unfolds:

Alignment Session

We define and refine the area of interest or challenge we’ll work on during the Transform session.

Session Design and Pitch

We design a unique experience that suits the pitch using the collected information. We do this in collaboration with chefs, designers, and innovation experts. These ideas will be the starting point for collaboration with the project's sponsors.


We meet, brainstorm, and fine-tune details in preparation for the event. We ensure all your needs are met and the event is carefully designed to obtain the desired results.

Transform Session

The big day! Everything will be ready, you just need to show up! As participants gather to perform seemingly simple tasks, like garlic peeling or corn shucking, they'll find themselves enveloped in scents and inspired by vivid imagery. With silent minds and present hands, new ideas and insights will soon start forming, and profound conversations will happen.

A Shared Meal

All attendants will feast on the fruits of their labor. This isn't a typical catered meal but the tangible outcome of a moment of togetherness and a profound brainstorming experience. All throughout, the conversations will keep flowing. 

Final Outcome

We'll capture the session's results in a strategic report that will be shared with all the relevant stakeholders.

Past Editions

Let’s Transform the World

Book a free introductory session, and we’ll tell you more about how to use Transform to solve problems in your organization.