Connecting Your Grand Vision with On-ground Execution

Our strategy services help organizations, government bodies, and NGOs define their vision for food-related projects. This includes areas like new business development, gastronomic tourism, socially impactful product development, and nutrition problem-solving. We know how to align solutions and goals, uncover opportunities, address challenges efficiently, and connect overarching perspectives with real-world realities.

Our work aims to future-proof your organization in an increasingly volatile context, systematically exploring alternative futures. Harnessing the collective intelligence of our network and your organization, we aim to recognise and respond to emerging threats and opportunities by developing enhanced competitiveness, resilience and agility.

Whether you want to collaborate with us throughout the entire strategic process or you just want some help in getting started, we're here to make it happen. From comprehensive research and strategy formulation to the development of effective communication tools, we're committed to bringing your vision closer to reality. We specialize in transforming bold ideas into tangible, marketable concepts that are relevant today.

Here are the different ways in which we can help:

Our Strategy Services


Understanding the Context

During the framing stage, we research the industry and refocus the problem to understand it more objectively. This is never an easy task! Guided by our experienced eye, we formulate the right questions and, as a consequence, extract vital information.

How we do it:

1. We investigate through due diligence, industry research, and inquiries to  stakeholders, consumers, professionals, and in-house teams.

2. We review global trends to get context and perspective.

3. We envision potential scenarios as testing grounds for different strategies.


Developing Solutions

If you want to continue working with us after we’ve delivered the framing insights, we move into the formulation stage. In today’s dynamic landscape, linear thinking and traditional forecasting no longer work. The process of scenario formulation provides a transformative way to navigate uncertainty. Through it, we embrace the concept of plausible scenarios by analyzing a wide range of potential variables. 

We then transform these plausible scenarios into strategic options representing several possibilities. This gives you the agility and foresight to move forward smoothly no matter what comes next. 

How we do it:

1. We test ideas in possible scenarios to create diverse strategies, drawing on insights from the framing stage.

2. We use these scenarios to formulate roadmaps and enable adaptive and focused planning.


Visualising the Solutions

Without the key stakeholder’s commitment, things can’t move forward. In this stage we help you craft high-impact communication pieces that resonate with your audience, conveying the essence of your strategic work and igniting inspiration and enthusiasm.

Speculative Design:

We develop tangible representations of your ideas to enable a better understanding of potential outcomes. Using a creative combination of visuals, experiences, objects, and tastings, we help you convey the impact of your new product or showcase your innovative concept.

Content Development:

We can help you create compelling narratives that support your ideas and help you build momentum. By distilling complex concepts into compelling stories we enable deeper understanding and engagement. From comprehensive reports to engaging videos, we help you narrate your strategic journey.

Interested in Working with Us?

Our Methodology

Foresight & Futures

Foresight is a systematic way of engaging with uncertainty by exploring alternative futures, including aspirational ones.

As a discipline, it has the potential to shape the future. It is not about predicting the future, but understanding your current and future operating environment. It focuses on critical uncertainties.

Insights gained from foresight equip communities and organisations to recognise and respond to emerging threats and opportunities by developing enhanced competitiveness, resilience and agility.

Alternative Futures

Drivers of Change

Systems Thinking

Participatory Futures

Public engagement often focuses on solving problems of the present rather than the future.

Participatory futures can help unblock decision-making and action on contentious, long-term challenges by involving citizens in exploring or shaping potential futures.

They build collective intelligence about the future by helping people to diagnose change over the long-term, draw out knowledge and ideas about how the future could be, and develop collective mental images of the futures people want.

Future Studies

Public Engagement

Participatory Futures

Case Studies

Gastronomic Tourism - Navarra’s Tourism Board

Reflecting About Well-Being- for Focus Inside